Sunday, May 20, 2012

Grason's Surgery

Tomorrow morning we will head into Children's Hospital for Grason to have surgery on his cleft palate.  Seems like a good time to start a blog so we can share the experience with others and have something to show Grason when he is older and can understand what he went through.  Grason is sleeping but J and I are stalling going to bed... the longer I stall the longer until we have to put our baby through this?!... I know that God is in control and He has a plan for our little man, I just hope that His plan is to fix him up in surgery and send him home to spend many wonderful years with US! Even though I know everything will be ok, it is still unsettling thinking about what Grason is about to endure. I hope he has his Daddy and his Uncle Adam's amazing strength and he will recover from this like nothing ever happened!  Either way I plan on not wearing any mascara for the next couple of days and attaching a kleenex box to my shirt.  Or maybe I will use my shirt as a kleenex... I'm not sure yet.  ;) 
Going to take some pills to make me sleepy....

Our new Blog!

So we have decided we need a family blog.. ie: Jason wants us to have one and he wants me to do it :)
I have only a slight idea of how this works, but I do think it's a great idea for friends and family to keep up with what's going on in our house so I will figure it out!  And I think I have a few friends who can help me with this... (you know who you are).